International Export Trade and Export Trading Companies

This website and blog  for Bailey Trading Company, LLC ,an American export trading company (ETC), was started to promote the sale of USA made goods.

According to the Dept. of Commerce less than one percent of all US manufacturers export, and in 2005, fifty-eight percent of those that did export, exported to only one country, e.g. Canada, the next 26 percent to 2-4 countries, the next 9 percent to 5-9, and the last 7 percent to 10 or more. Why is this? We make so much here the rest of the world never sees.  

This is one of the reasons export trading companies exist. Japan has used export trading companies know as Sogo Shosha for hundreds of years. Congress enacted the Export Trading Company Act of 1982.  Its purpose was to promote, protect and nurture export trading companies in the USA. Unfortunately, there are not many ETC’s in the USA today. ETC’s facilitate trade, and help companies in the USA compete on a global scale. When ninety-five percent of the worlds consumers live outside the United States, that is a big untapped market for any US company looking for new sales. With so much foreign competition domestically, US companies must consider selling in foreign markets to stay competitive.

An ETC is responsible for finding buyers overseas, shipping the goods, and completing the transaction (getting paid). This form of exporting indirectly still provides the US manufacturer with control, while at the same time, opening up new markets for their products. The US manufacturer can still do what they do best: producing their products; generating more sales from their export activity, and keep jobs here in the USA.

Please click on US Manufactures from the menu above to fill out our contact form, or click Contact US to send us an email or call to see what we can do for you.

If you are a foreign buyer, distributor or agent, please also feel free to click on Foreign Buyer, Distributor or Agent from the menu above to fill out our contact form, or click Contact US to send us an email or call to see what we can do for you.

I am going to keep blogging on in this Brave New WorldPress. I’ll be blogging more about what opportunities I see available for US companies wanting to export. I will also be providing information, market research and data.  Not sure how many other interested people there are out in the Blogiverse, but I guess I may find out. We’ll see.

To get in touch with us, please visit our Contact Page